The False Face of Hustle Culture.
If you are reading this comfortably while sitting on your couch or sleeping on the bed, it is advised for you to stand up do 10 push-ups or finish 25 self-help books in the next 3 hours and come back to me. Yeah, this is 2022 you need to push yourself extra — “Hustle” over time, do multitasking because that is what successful people do.
This is just pure shit.
The influencers, motivators and coaches (especially the ones) that come on your youtube ads, want you to believe in this. Hustling is not about working overtime, skipping other important activities of the day, pretending to be busy just by writing quotes on LinkedIn or waking up at 4 am in the morning. (and overthink.)
It’s a fact — the motivation quotes that you read or the ones they want you to read are by the people that have gone through “the process” — the ones that judged them on every step and did everything possible to shake their belief in themselves, the process that helped them find who they really are.
It is never easy to create an identity for yourself, it takes time. The process itself is already hard enough, why do you want to make it more difficult by hammering yourself.
Think before you ACT.